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Jitterbug Townhomes


Portland, OR (various sites)


Speculative Multifamily


In Construction


Design: Matthew O. Daby - M.O.Daby Design

Developer: Oregon Homeworks

We’ve been spending much of the last few years thinking about Middle Housing. With Oregon being the first state to end single family zoning in cities with the passing of House Bill 2001 and Portland adopting the zoning code changes set forth by the Residential Infill Project, us designers have been allowed more options for infill housing types. We see this as an opportunity to respond to a more diverse demographic of city dwellers. Our cities have a wide range of family types and economic situations that were not being met by the old homogenous zoning codes. Leveraging the new codes, we are designing Cottage Clusters, A.D.U.s, and Townhouses for developers that are focused on providing missing middle housing.

Here is one of our new 4 unit townhouse designs that we are excited to finally see under construction! We call it the Jitterbug.

The surprisingly simple concept for these was to arrange the 4 units in quadrants rather than the more typical linear, side by side, row house format. The benefit here is, unlike the row houses that have end units and middle ends, all 4 of our Jitterbug units are corner units. This allows us to capture daylight on two sides of most all of the interior rooms. In addition it makes better use of the lot area for each unit’s yard spaces. The Jitterbug is (4) 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom houses with private yard spaces within the same scale and footprint as would otherwise be 1 single family house.

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