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Have an m.o.daby design business card?
Follow the instructions and you can create a model of a 400 square foot cabin! There are rendered images for your enjoyment at the end. Have fun!

What you'll need:
- An m.o.daby design business card - Something to cut with - preferably an x-acto knife or utility blade, but scissors will work too - A straight edge, a ruler, or anything to help make a straight cut - About 10 minutes Got it? O.k. Let's do it.

Step 1:
- Cut along the lines labeled "cut".

Exterior Rendering

What you'll need:
- An m.o.daby design business card - Something to cut with - preferably an x-acto knife or utility blade, but scissors will work too - A straight edge, a ruler, or anything to help make a straight cut - About 10 minutes Got it? O.k. Let's do it.
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